Thursday 25 October 2012

Yr. 12 Economics - Half-term study

You have a copy of the Economic Review so you all need to complete the following tasks:

  1. Actually read it...
  2. Pick three articles that you think are interesting and explain why.
  3. Pick one article that you did not understand 8 weeks ago but do now,
  4. Finally, pick one article that you do not understand but would like to. 
Enjoy your break. 

Any problems or questions, just email me or get on Twitter. 

Mr Allum. 

Thursday 18 October 2012

Year 12 - CHROMA KEY

Ensure that you are working upon your chroma key presentations as you will need to record them BEFORE the end of term. 

Have a look at the one attached below for ideas - be kind... 

Friday 20 April 2012

AS Economics ECON2: Macro Revision Aid

Below you will find a link to a PowerPoint on tutor2u that will be very useful for a quick re-cap of The Macro Economy

Click here for link to PPT

Tuesday 17 April 2012

REVISION HELP - Unit 1: Market Failure

Make sure you are using the revision schedule in the first link below to structure your revision...

Click here for Unit 1 revision checklist

Below you will find a number of links to presentations that you can use to help supplement your

Allocative efficiency
The Economic Problem
Elasticity of Supply
Market Failure
Supply and Demand
Price Elasticity of Demand

Friday 10 February 2012

Economics Prjoect Halft-Term homework

Over half-term you need to find one article for the following countries that details some form of economic growth or decline:
  • China
  • Brazil
  • India
  • Greece
This measurement of growth or decline can include any of the measurements that you should have covered in detail within your projects, such as unemployment figures, Inflation, Trade (Imports & Exports) and of course overall GDP.

Once you have the article you then need to write a brief section in which you analyse why you think this growth or decline has occurred.

You may wish to use some of the sites listed below to help you find some relevant articles: